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Health and Safety Information

The health and safety of AMCHP members, attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, and staff, as well as venue staff and the surrounding community, is of the utmost importance.  AMCHP is committed to reducing the risk associated with attending an in-person event associated with the Covid-19 pandemic.  AMCHP continues to monitor local and national guidance, and will modify our health and safety practices and policies as appropriate. Updates will be posted to this page. Our meeting will be located in the state of California, and at this time large gatherings are permitted. In keeping with the culture of public health meetings, we ask that all participants adopt the following best practices as part of our shared responsibility during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Hybrid Format: AMCHP welcomes attendees to participate virtually or in-person, and will make every effort to ensure that both experiences are enriching and rewarding.  Although virtual-only options will exist for presenters and participants, there is no virtual-only option for exhibitors

The health and safety of conference attendees, staff, and the community are AMCHP’s top priority.

If participants are not feeling well or exhibit signs of infectious illness, including Covid-19, we expect that participants will not travel or participate in in-person activities.

Vaccination: AMCHP conference participants are encouraged to be up-to-date on Covid-19 vaccinations, including a bivalent booster. 

Masks: Masks are welcome and optional.

AMCHP will continue to monitor conditions and follow guidance from federal, state, and local public health authorities, as well as the conference venue, and reserves the right to modify this policy as appropriate.

In-person Conference Safety Tips:

In order to keep our attendees as safe as possible in a new city, here are some safety tips to observe.

• Be aware of your surroundings and do not wear your badge outside the Conference venue.

• Leave anything you could not live without at home. Use your in-room safe and do not carry valuables with you.

• Small crime like pickpocketing is the greatest risk to travelers. Stay alert in crowds and on public transportation.

• When in an unfamiliar city, travel in groups as often as possible and keep an eye on your colleagues and your surroundings.

• When dining out, keep drinks in sight and do not accept them from strangers. Keep purses, briefcases, and other bags close by or leave them in your room.

•  If you rent a car or drive to the meeting, do not leave anything in your car, including suitcases, charging cables, etc.

•  If you use public transportation (ie BART), check on the safety tips from the transportation system before you go:

•  If someone demands your money or other personal items, do not try to fight them. Instead get to a safe location as quickly as possible and call for help. If you are near the conference venue, hotel security can assist you.

• If anyone related to the conference is injured on-site, immediately notify the conference organizers at the registration desk.
Last updated 2/23/2023